5th June 2020

As part of national volunteers week, we would like to extend our gratitude to our many volunteers within Comhaltas who help make the organisation what it is today.

We have seen many examples of how the volunteers get involved in past years and it seems that even a pandemic won't stop the Comhaltas members doing fantastic voluntary and charity work.

A large part of the work within Comhaltas is to promote and preserve Irish traditional music. From this, Comhaltas offers an Irish traditional music classes open to all ages and abilities, taught by extremely talented Fleadhanna winning musicians in branches over the island and a far.

Without these teachers, we wouldn’t be able to promote and preserve the music and proceed with Comhaltas’ mission of passing our culture and music down through generations, as it has done for years. For this work, we thank ALL the talented tutors and musicians of Comhaltas who dedicate their time to teaching Comhaltas volunteers and members over the years and in future.

Many thanks to the tutors who are keeping the music alive through Covid-19, by posting online tutorials and demonstrations and musicians who are hosting live sessions which can be enjoyed through the comfort of your own home.

You really are keeping the music playing and the spirits lifted in such an unprecedented time. Below is a video from Portmor Comhaltas Ard Mhacha, who have kept the music going by posting a tune a day for May.

What an excellent initiative, thank you Portmor Comhaltas Ard Mhacha!


Check out Live Sound Recordings in the Comhaltas Archive