‼️🌟 FLEADHFEST 2021 🌟‼️
27th July 2021

FleadhFest is an exciting initiative being undertaken by Comhaltas Units during 2021, in circumstances when normal Fleadh Cheoil activity is not possible. FleadhFest is the story of Comhaltas told from the point of view of each County and Province - the story of the people, community and culture which sustains our traditions of music, song, dance, storytelling and language, ensuring it is a living tradition which can be passed on to future generations.
The Tyrone County Board of Comhaltas took this opportunity to showcase its many wonderful musicians, singers story tellers and dancers by using some of the county’s most iconic and stunning venues as a backdrop for the production.
Tyrone has a wealth of talented musicians, singers and dancers along with some of the most picturesque countryside and celebrated music venues in the country. Fleadh fest Tír Eoghains series is now live and take full advantage of this innovative live production by tuning into this videos which have just gone live to enjoy music singing, story telling and dancing at the renowned historical Hill of O`Neill which aptly sets the scene as the central venue with its picturesque backdrop of several counties in ulster as well as views of our Comhaltas branches from Tyrone.
Some insights to the calibre of the key talent from Tyrone performing in fleaadh fest Tír Eoghain include the All Ireland winning Blackwater Ceili band, a vast of young and emerging talent from newly formed Fintona CCE including the great carney siblings with a sean nos dance performance , Dromore musicians and singers including the 2019 All Ireland Champion Trio of Meghan Teague, Aine Mc Caffrey and Ciaran Mc Kenna and a range of budding and mature music, singers and dancers from Coalisland Clonoe, Omagh, Trillick and Clogher Valley . This wonderful showcase was developed by a co-ordinated approach from our Fleadhfest co-ordinators from Dromore CCÉ, Coalisland Clonoe CCÉ,Omagh CCE, Clogher Valley CCÉ, Trillick CCÉ and Fintona CCE who give of their time to support this national initiative in Comhaltas. One of the highlights includes a special tribute from musical colleagues in McCanns bar, Omagh to Arty McGlynn, a world renowned artist on the trad scene who sadly passed away in 2020 and whose presence is sadly missed in the circle of traditional music
Grateful appreciation and acknowledgement to Arts Council NI, Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, and Comhaltas for the sponsorship to make this wonderful trad ensemble possible. With the brilliance of renowned radio presenter Lynnettte Fay and the provision of the main recording venue in Hill of O`Neill, the community spirit across Tyrone was a welcomed rescue remedy from pandemic gloom.